
Banka Kombëtare Tregtare, to avoid further spread of COVID-19 we suggests to follow the instructions below:

  1. Limit the visits to our branches. You can perform all banking transactions directly from your home.
  2. Use Internet Branch from your computer or BKT Smart application on your mobile phone to pay your bills, recharge your mobile, make transfers, etc.
  3. Use Contactless Debit and Credit Cards. Buy your favorite products and pay without touching the payment terminal, it is not necessary to sign the invoice.
  4. Use our Super BanKomaT if you need cash. This is another option to avoid our branches and queue in them. ATMs are constantly being disinfected by BKT to protect us
  5. Respect the security distance. If you go to BKT branches you will follow some unusual rules for your safety and Bank staff. Stay at least 1.5 m from the Bank employee.
  6. Limit your time visit the branch. If you visit one ofe BKT branches, except the security distance, limit your time, ask help on how you can do the same transaction through online channels.
  7. Strictly follow the rules and instructions of the institutions. The corona virus is a global pandemic, all the measures and restrictions imposed on our branches are necessary to protect you and your relatives. Respect them by respecting your family and the community we live in together.
  8. Contact us through phone, email or WhatsApp. If you need a banker agent, call on 042 266 288, or email us at or WhatsApp on 0674000018. We will assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on these channels, by supporting and instructing you on your necessary actions.
  9. Based on decision of World Health Organization issued on March 11th 2020, announcing as world pandemic COVID-19, Decision of Council of Ministers no.243, date 24.03.2020 "For announcing the situation of natural disaster”, Law no. 9887, date 10.03.2008 “For protecting the personal data”; Law no.15/2016, date10.03.2016 “For preventing and fighting the infections and infective diseases” and as per Directive "For elaborating personal data on specific sectors due to actions takes against COVID-19", the Bank in the quality of monitoring unit its obliged, whenever it’s needed or when it’s requested from the law enforcement Organizations / Institutions, to collect or keep personal data, or when exists the reasonable principal and the need to transmit or exchange these data to the law enforcement institutions, in line with the measures taken against COVID-19
    • Bank informs that the elaboration of personal data will be done in compliance with the principals and the criteria’s foreseen in the article no. 5, 6 and 7 of Law 9887, date 10.03.2008 “For protecting the personal data” changed, and the elaborating of personal data will be only for the purpose of the measures taken to prevent COVID-19, without overpassing this purpose.        
    • Bank informs that  the elaboration of personal data , of these subjects, will last only as long as its exist the purpose of elaborating these data, exceptions are specific cases foreseen in the law that define the data elaboration can be for a longer period, that is enough to fight the COVID-19 virus, and the rehabilitation of the consequences of this virus from and to the subjects of these data.

Other Announcements

Terms & Conditions valid from March 24, 2025
Terms & Conditions for Retail valid from March 24, 2025
Change in opening hours of Kristal and Concord branches
Kindly be informed that the opening hours of the Kristal and Concord Center
''Ibrahim Rrugova" branch reallocation
We inform you that starting from 27.01.2025 the ‘Ibrahim Rugova’’ Branch will be transferred to its new premises