Housing Project

Subsidized home mortgages

BKT has signed a bilateral agreement with the Ministry of Finance and Economy, an agreement based on Article 47 of Law no. 22/2018 "On social housing" based on DCM no. 453 dated 03.07.2019 "On the amount of the loan interest subsidy and the procedure for granting it to families that benefit from low-cost housing, with loans facilitated by the state".

The object of this agreement is to lend to individuals who will benefit from the housing program mentioned above. Lists with the names of the beneficiaries are sent by the respective Municipalities to BKT.

Main Terms of Housing Lending Project:

Loan Currency ALL
Loan Amount
<= with the amount specified in the list send by therelevant institution.

<=80% of the value of the credit subject  
Maximum loan amount
420 months or 35 years
(age at loan maturity for male borrowers / co-borrowers is 67 years old and for female borrowers 65 years old)
List Sending Institution

Benefiting Category  

Borrower’s IR
-> Municipality

-> Homeless Family  

-> 3% fixed
Disbursement Comission 1%
Offer over Loan IR The borrower who will be financed for a period of over 300 months and will regularly repay the loan installments, will be a beneficiary of the interest rate of 0%, for the last 5 years of loan maturity, until the total loan liquidation.
Type of property to be taken as collateral
Apartment, Shop, Land, Land and Building
Collateral Coverage 100% over Immediate Liquidation Value dhe 130% over Open Market Value
Obliged Guarantor
Adult members of the borrower’s family certificate.

The loan repayment period from this project is set at 6 months from the date of the list sent from the respective Municipality. At the end of this term, the respective client must complete the request for extension of the loan term, specifying the relevant reason for the postponement in order to extend the term of the loan for a period of 6 months. This request must be signed by the client and then sent by mail or by himself to the EKB Directory in Tirana.

Please download the respective documents requested for the Housing Project