BKT continues for the 5th year to sponsor studies in “Bank Management” field, Faculty of Integrated Studies with Practice (FASTIP) near “Aleksandër Moisiu” University in Durrës.
In this unique Public-Private Partnership program, between Albanian & German Government, University of Durres & Albanian Business Partners, BKT is the main partner in support of innovation in university education system.
On October 1, 2012, 25 FASTIP graduated students in September 2012 in “Bank Management” field,
have been sponsored & offered work practice from the bank during the 3 years of study, were handled the work contract and are actually working in Departments and different Branches of BKT.
On October 3, 2012, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil CEO & Board Member of BKT, signed the cooperation agreement with FASTIP, for professional training sponsorship of 62 students who actually study in
“Bank Management” field during the academic year 2012-2013, 21 of whom are 1st year students.