Tirana, Albania (27 November 2014) -, The pre-eminent magazine published by Financial Times, "The Banker", which annually nominates the best banks in the world, has selected Banka Kombëtare Tregtare as "The Best Bank in Albania for 2014".
The award was submitted to BKT’s Chairman Mr. Mehmet Usta and the CEO and Board Member, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil in a ceremony held in London on November 27, 2014.
Mr. Mehmet Usta, the Chairman of BKT since 2009, said that: "I am very happy receiving the award of "The Best Bank of the Year in Albania" on behalf of BKT for the fifth time. Successful performance in all business segments and customer satisfaction are the main factors that led to such an evaluation. With 23% market share and USD 2.8 billion in total assets, since June 2014 BKT is the largest bank in the Albanian banking system. My thanks go to all our employees who together with our customers and business partners made possible such an important evaluation."
The CEO and Board Member, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil, emphasized that: "This year, like the last year, we received all the three important awards of the banking sector. But every award received brings with it responsibilities. These responsibilities now are much larger and we, the oldest and the largest bank in the country, continue our efforts towards increasing the prosperity and the economic growth wherever we operate. Our goal is to enhance BKT brand in the region, as the most valuable Albanian brand."
BKT, the oldest commercial bank and the largest in Albania, in 2014 has been selected as "The Best Bank in Albania" by “Euromoney” and “EMEA Finance”, two other very important financial institutions.
With total assets of 2.8 billion USD, BKT serves its customers through a network of 88 branches 63 of which in Albania and 25 in Kosovo.